Blog Post #1
Our life is intertwined with the impact of technology, especially at the expense of social media. Throughout our lives, we create an offline and online identity, and with that, it represents who we are as network individuals living and learning in a network society. This connection paves the way for us to learn and has changed our perception of how we see, access, use, and store information, communicate, study, and work together. Learning has evolved from face-to-face interactions to the ability to work together through social media. Networking allows for many benefits such as developing and growing in your personal and professional career, building and maintaining connections, and staying present in the now. In the absence of that, it limits one’s ability to make connections, therefore preventing more opportunities to engage in the online platform. Networking can be viewed as an attitude of learning and working, and it is a skill that needs to be refined and developed. We are motivated to participate in networked publics because it is an evolving system and structure that holds us accountable for our online and offline presence. In the span of our lifetime, we are in a constant state of learning, and as technology is evolving, we have to grow with it. It is critical that we continue to develop our network skills and be persistent in cultivating our abilities to become lifelong learners through networking. For those that are willing to learn and expand their scopes of networking, it is a skill that is practical as it is beneficial for supporting the growth and learning of an individual. As the article, Understanding Personal Learning Networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them states (2011), there is a lot to learn about how professionals manage the connections in their personal networks, which influences their decisions in their connection. Becoming a professional in the realm of networking takes an immense amount of practice and patience. Some risks of public communication may be exposure to explicit language or images, as our data and privacy are increasingly networked. The things we share online act as DNA; we are linked by immutable factors. Data is more persistent, replicable, searchable, and scalable than ever, which makes us easy targets online if we are not careful. Although these may be the risks to public communication, there are rewards that follow them. Some rewards of public communications are being active with current issues/events, maintaining connections and relationships with others, and growing with the utilization of technology as it evolves.
Blog Post #2 – What does my digital identity look like?
When I think of digital identity, I think of an individual’s presence and their activity online. Digital identity is another way to prove your identity in a safer and more secure way. Due to the evolution of technology, it is playing a more significant role in our current economy. It’s essential to understand and continue to evolve with the growth of your online presence and digital identity as the world is learning to adapt and grow with it. Having a robust digital identity allows for more efficiency in your life and removes the in-person interaction of proving your identity. Beyond that, digital identity is your online footprint. As long as your presence is online, it is everything you post, share, engage in, and how you treat other people. It acts as a digital tool for your own benefit and for the benefit of those around you. Something that was well said by the “digital professional identity: dear internet! Who am I,” identity is a process that is dynamic in nature by which people identify and sort their place in society both individually and collectively. I think both personally and professionally; digital identity can be found through communication and social interaction. It also includes the factors of the individual and their personal attributes, beliefs, motives, values and experiences. This can be performed personally and professionally. From a personal approach to digital identity on social media, you’re more likely to be yourself online. As opposed to the professional approach to digital identity on social media, you’re more inclined to act properly and make sure you’re respected because future employers may be looking at your profile and engagement on social media for their benefit. The video “the value of digital identity for the global economy and society” mentioned some great things about how digital identity has evolved and grown over the past couple of years. Many of the panellists mentioned the extreme improvement in their digital footprint and how it has been beneficial to their country and its people to be so highly involved online. Many of them are invested in the foundation of digital identity as it’s a more efficient way to travel, open a bank account, get a job, etc. It’s an essential tool to have and use for financial inclusion as well as for the provision of services, and education, and it provides an economic benefit.
Blog Post #3
Due to the evolution of social media and technology use, the amount of digital platforms students are currently using to develop their professional network is insurmountable. Within our group, It seems as though email, Facebook, and LinkedIn are the platforms that are the most used in terms of developing their professional network.
I think it’s amazing that students have so many options to use when it comes to their professional learning. Because social media is taking control of our online presence, I think some platforms to consider could include Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Slack, and definitely still including Facebook and LinkedIn. I am more invested in the social media aspect of professional learning and I think that Youtube and Instagram are great places to make connections, and learn more about how to manage social media content in a different way. I’m sure it’s not something most people would consider from the get-go as I think it’s still in the working stages of it being recognized as a professional learning network. WordPress and Mattermost are also new platforms that I have just recently learned about due to EDCI and I am certain that these are wonderful professional learning networks as well.
There are always pros and cons when it comes to working with technology, especially the question that is always asked is how data privacy and security limit and/or promote a personal learning network. Being conscious of your data privacy and security would mean that you are holding yourself accountable for your digital footprint and online presence. This plays a significant role in better handling your personal learning network, making sure you are on top of your presence and are aware of how to protect and avoid hurtful sources or interactions. It’s always good to set boundaries especially when it comes to the context of your data privacy and security. We want to be as safe as possible but have the accessibility to improve our personal learning network when needed.
In my network, I create my digital identity mainly through social media. I am actively on apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Facebook, Email, etc. In addition to that, I participate in academic conversations online through Brightspace, WordPress, Mattermost, Microsoft 365, and Messenger. It’s easy to forget just about how important it is my online presence is and how easily I could be targeted in the future. This class sets as a reminder to be aware and conscious of what I’m posting and presenting myself. We can see that things have the tendency to come back around and it would be devastating to be connected to something that I would hate to be attached to. It’s all about self-awareness and accountability. I am responsible for whatever I decide to post online, and whether it be a good thing, I have to be aware of the possible consequences that could occur anytime in my digital life. Everything I post, comment, like, save, forward, etc is logged into the system. It’s all about being aware of my actions and mindful of my actions.
If an employer were to assess my social media presence via my digital identity, I would be somewhat confident in what they might find. On my account, I have never posted anything inappropriate that would constitute an issue or a problem. But that’s not to say that there isn’t anything questionable that I may be connected to by other the expense of other people. I think it’s important to keep my digital identity accountable and make sure that I’m not affiliated with inappropriate or negative posts online, etc.
Blog Post #4
As Shelley Moore stated in “One without the other: stories of unity through diversity and inclusion” (2016), inclusion is providing everyone equal opportunities and putting them on the same playing field where no one has a higher/lower advantage than the next. Inclusivity is applicable when one presents the opportunity and supports them when they are willing to pursue that certain opportunity. Inclusion is also focused on the idea of bringing groups together in a space where they can learn from, and build upon their strengths and the strengths of others (Moore & Schnellert, 2016). Building and fostering a community between and within diverse groups is essential in education systems, in the workplace, and within our communities and society (Moore & Schnellert, 2016). A perfect example of inclusion in a professional setting would be the inclusion of using platforms such as WordPress and Mattermost. In this context, these two platforms are great ways to be active online in a professional manner. Mattermost is a secure, open-source platform which is great for communication, collaboration, and workflow across tools and teams. WordPress is a free, open-source software which allows users to host and build websites. These two platforms can be used in a professional or personal manner. From a professional perspective, they are very inclusive in the sense of accessibility and anyone can have the opportunity to use them and also get support along the way. People who use these platforms can have access to, contribute to, and experience content anytime and anywhere. As far as I know, no one is restricted from using these platforms, there are no age restrictions and it is available to all. Social media has the ability to create an inclusive and diverse space for users of all kinds. Although that may be the case, I have experienced platforms that aren’t inclusive due to age restrictions or location restraints. Inclusive and diverse platforms focus on making sure they use gender-neutral pronouns and language, make sure images, icons and emojis are diverse and inclusive, showcase multiple perspectives on a range of topics, etc (Sandoval, 2021). On inclusive and diverse platforms, everyone should have equal opportunities to express themselves in a safe manner.
Blog Post #5
Before engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of my choice, I would structure how I would like my personal learning network to look. I find that an outline helps to organize and structure my preferred PLN. The structure is so important; it gives clarity and keeps me on track with how and what I want the outcome to look like. My next step would be to do research on that particular social media campaign. Doing the proper research is critical to ensure that the information taken for that specific social media campaign is accurate and eligible. Creating a strong PLN means being active online and connecting with others. Exploring other people’s perspectives is a fantastic way to get different insights as to how you can further enhance your PLN. All PLN’s are different, and by connecting and conversing with others, you can easily build your PLN, as everyone has different perspectives on different topics. Taking advantage of the resources and technology is crucial as it broadens and strengthens my PLN. Actively participating in online forums and conversations, sharing links and ideas, and engaging in online activity can help you build a secure and sturdy PLN.
Blog Post #6
Having a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media is crucial as it makes your presence known and indicates that you are actively growing your PLN. Due to the continuous growth of social media, it’s important to enhance your PLN to satisfy consistent changes. Engaging in social media forces one to actively grow their personal learning network due to the constant change that occurs every second of the day. As written in Media and Social Justice (2011), various aspects of technology and its habits are evolving. Video are ubiquitous; databases serve as powerful engines for content management and visualization, social networks are increasingly common platforms for distribution, and more place-based media are available on local platforms (Jansen et al., pg. 63, 2011). Methods of evolving with social media include connectivity, participation, and active digital media creation (Jansen et al., pg. 63, 2011). Staying present and aware of social media is important to maintain a strong, diverse, and inclusive PLN. The benefits of having a diverse and inclusive PLN are important because you can make strong connections with others by sharing and posting things that interest you. It allows you to practice a sense of ownership as you are in charge of your PLN. It acts as a great hub to explore your own interests, needs and passions, therefore, allowing you to make it diverse and inclusive. A strong PLN allows you to stay current on research and help you find the best practice to improve your learning environment. Additionally, it’s a different way to learn and connect with others, especially through blogs, emails, webinars and live streaming, online communities, etc. Diverse and inclusive PLNs are a great place to enhance your knowledge while sharing your knowledge.
Clark, J., Aufderheide, P. (2011). A New Vision for Public Media. In: Jansen, S.C., Pooley, J., Taub-Pervizpour, L. (eds) Media and Social Justice. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Blog Post #7
Being present in the media space calls for so many uncertainties. Social media and the internet on their own are a whole universe. There are many risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space. Some risk of online engagement could be the concept of fake news. As this week’s reading has covered, fake news can be easily misinterpreted; therefore, people can share and spread false information online. When being active online, you must be intelligent and mindful of what you’re giving and receiving. As we all know, browsing and interacting with things online will eventually find its way back to you as everything is designed and wired for things to go back to you. It’s part of how the algorithm works, and sometimes, if you’re not careful with your actions online, you could be held accountable for your actions. In addition, the users who are chronically online and those with bad intentions will do everything they can to push you down and spread negativity. When that does happen, you have to be smart with your actions and remind yourself that their words don’t matter. If you allow that to affect you and your thoughts, you’re allowing yourself to be an easy target.
Although there may be risks in engaging in a media space, there are some positive things. Being active on social media, especially as a public figure or a person in a position of trust, could be beneficial. It helps to connect the offline and online worlds together. Social media is a powerful place to see and hear almost anything. From one side of the world to another, you can keep up with the daily news, politics, worldwide phenomenon, etc. As a public figure, you have the ability to utilize technology and the media space to your advantage. Knowing that the engagement you have with your audience in a media space could be detrimental to your life, therefore, you have to be smart and strategic with the way you use this space wisely.
The best advice I can think of when navigating the online world is to be smart and attentive; when you do that, you’re more inclined to make better decisions, resulting in fewer things to worry about. Control the media intake you can have, and remember that there is so much more to life than just the alternate reality of living online. There will always be negative replies and critiques on social media; it’s inevitable. Unfortunately, it’s something that’s engraved into society, this concept of negativity. I think the best way to address them is to limit yourself to the attention of negativity. Or even better, to not look at them; there’s no point in fuelling the flame. It’s important to reflect on your personal values from time to time to avoid the possibility of any unnecessary negativity and critiques. When addressing these things, it’s essential to be open to other perspectives and opinions, but you don’t have to stress yourself to take those into consideration. Make decisions based on your beliefs and what is best for you.
Blog Post #8
There are various social media platforms which are beneficial in education. Social media plays an important role in the growth and evolution of education and in our lives. It’s diverse and contains a multitude of platforms that can be utilized in the educational system. The use of social media not only benefits your online presence, but it promotes self-directed learning. It prepares students to search for things and make independent choices, allowing for them to step out of their comfort zones.
In the video, Brad Baker had mentioned that having a strong and active PLN allows for true authentic voices and stories to be put out there for everyone to see and hear. Social media provides the opportunity for that to happen, it’s crucial that there are platforms available for the truth to be told. Some great social media platforms that are beneficial in education are Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, MatterMost, Edmodo, Blogs, Kahoot, etc. Twitter is a great way to teach students about digital citizenship and is a great place to help other educators to be on top of current education issues and topics. Facebook is another fantastic social media platform. You’re able to create designated pages for students and other educators, it’s accessible and efficient for multiple parties. Kahoot is a popular social platform that many students and educators use, it’s a fun and enjoyable experience for parties to use it especially within the field of education. It’s a massive benefit for the community for the vulnerable sector to have a platform on social media. This allows for multiple messages and stories to be available to the public on a wide source. It’s become habitual for stories to be told too many times that it’s lost its meaning. Stories are most authentic when coming from the right people, and being able to have the opportunity to share them on social media is significantly special. Being present and active with the integration of social media in education is something that should be done everywhere. As technology is growing, we have to grow with it.
Education in a Connected Culture – Brad Baker
Blog Post #9
Open dialogue about media literacy and factual information can create conflict due to the immense amount of information online. Because there are so many things, it’s challenging to identify which sources and information are accurate or not. As Julie Smith mentioned in the video, we tend to be more interested in what we believe than what is actually true. In media literacy, there’s factual information we can assess, but there are vital pieces we are unsure of. Because so much content is available in the media, things can often be misinterpreted or taken out of context. To minimize and prevent conflict from occurring, it’s good to make a habit of checking whether or not the website or source you’re retrieving information from is authentic and valid. An example of this would be when students are looking for academic papers and resources, and we make sure that we are looking for peer-reviewed resources; that way, we know it’s authentic and accurate.
Having a PLN that values media literacy is incredibly important in the sense that you’re able to make strong connections with people that have similar or the same topic of interests/values as you. Having a reliable network with people you can rely on is enormously beneficial. It allows you to feel connected with many people from all over the world. It’s refreshing to experience different perspectives from people who aren’t in your environment because they can provide you with rational guidance from an outsider’s perspective. The benefit of having a learning network is that it allows you to connect with other people that share a common interest as you, and it’s a great place to receive feedback, suggestions, and ideas. When you’re working with people that also value media literacy, that allows for better focus and comprehension of the topic and helps to produce the best outcome that matter. When you’re passionate about something, you’re willing to work hard to better understand it and continue your curiosity.
Media Literacy – with Julie Smith (Video)
Blog Post #10
The great thing about having a PLN is that it’s suitable and applicable to our daily lives. As we know, the network society is always evolving and constantly updating as it’s incorporated into our society. Throughout this semester, it has become evident that our PLN can go beyond the course. It’s a platform where you can connect and exchange with other people from all over the world about anything that interests you, especially something within your field of specialization. Within the course, we understand the benefits and reliability of having a strong PLN, but to think about the endless possibilities and connections we can make post-course is unimaginable. Beyond the course, there will be different people and companies that can help further enhance my PLN. The size of my connections and knowledge within the course prevents me from exceeding my limitations. My PLN can be greatly expanded post-course personally and professionally. We know that science and technology are constantly progressing, and the advances being made are permeating all areas of economic activities (Giudice et al., 2014, pg. 71). A great way to professionally develop your PLN post-course is using either Twitter or Linkedin. Twitter is a social media tool used by many individuals. Students, educators, and others can benefit by using Twitter towards their preferences. They will be able to gain knowledge and a better understanding of what it is they’re looking for as they’re able to connect with other people of similar knowledge. It’s a great way to expand on your current knowledge and be exposed to other perspectives and mindsets. The same goes for Linkedin; it’s another fantastic platform to expose yourself to market yourself and your business. Growing your PLN is important for that factor as it can help you build your network and make connections, and it can also expose you to various career opportunities. In addition, it can help potential recruiters to find you, so it’s very important to update your PLN when necessary and promote its activity. Network society and technology evolution is being integrated worldwide, so it’s vital that we do everything we can to continue to build our PLN.
Del Giudice, M., Della Peruta, M. R., & Carayannis, E. G. (2014). Social Media and Emerging Economies Technological, Cultural and Economic Implications (1st ed. 2014.). Springer International Publishing.